JA in the News

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Browse Jewelers of America’s press releases to stay up to date on the latest news including events, media placements and more.
JA in the News
20 Under 40 Class of 2024
May 15, 2024
Jewelers of America is proud to announce the  20 Under 40, Class of 2024!
JA in the News
May 1, 2024
New York, NY –Jewelers of America (JA), the national trade association for businesses serving the fine jewelry marketplace, has announced a new bench scholarship aimed to bring new talent into the bench jeweler profession. The Seymour & Evelyn Holtzman Bench Scholarship is a partnership with Jewelers of America and Seymour & Evelyn Holtzman that will provide tuition help to students enrolled in an accredited bench jeweler or metalsmith education program.
JA in the News
February 15, 2024
New York, NY – Jewelers of America (JA) the national trade association for businesses serving the fine jewelry marketplace, has updated its Guide to “Careers in the Jewelry Industry.” The Guide highlights new career opportunities and information on sought-after skills-sets and is designed to be a tangible tool to attract new talent to the jewelry industry.
JA in the News

The list features the best and brightest rising talents in jewelry retail

JA 20 Under 40 Press Release PR
January 30, 2024
New York, NY – Jewelers of America (JA), the national trade association for businesses serving the fine jewelry marketplace, is seeking nominations for the best and brightest rising talents in jewelry retail to be featured on Jewelers of America’s 20 Under 40 list. Nominations have closed.
JA in the News
January 24, 2024
New York, NY – Black in Jewelry Coalition (BIJC) and Jewelers of America (JA) have announced the selected participants for the first cohort in their jointly developed Emerging Jewelers Accelerator Program (EJAP), a series of interactive workshops designed to provide selected new retail jewelry entrepreneurs with a deeper understanding of how to build and maintain a successful business in the jewelry industry.
As Seen On
Fox News Segment with Amanda Gizzi
December 14, 2023
Jewelers of America's Amanda Gizzi was invited by Fox Business News to discuss the differences between lab-grown and natural diamonds. 
As Seen On
Holiday Jewelry Gift Ideas 2023
December 11, 2023
This year, we want to be smart about our gift giving. The secret to giving the perfect gift is to find a gift that is sentimental and that can get a lot of use, while still standing the test of time. 
JA in the News
October 5, 2023

New York, NY – Jewelers of America (JA), the national trade association for businesses serving the fine jewelry marketplace, has elected a new Chair and Executive Committee, along with new Directors to its Board of Directors. The Directors were officially elected on October 2, 2023, at Jewelers of America’s annual general meeting (AGM) and the Executive Committee was elected on October 3, 2023, at the Board of Directors meeting.

JA in the News
October 4, 2023

New York, NY – Black in Jewelry Coalition (BIJC) and Jewelers of America (JA) are seeking participants for their jointly developed Emerging Jewelers Accelerator Program (EJAP), a series of interactive workshops to provide selected new retail jewelry entrepreneurs with a deeper understanding of how to build and maintain a successful business in the jewelry industry.

JA in the News
JA Supplier Press Preview Jewelry
October 2, 2023
Jewelers of America hosted its Fine Jewelry Press Preview on September 13, 2023 at Synchrony’s headquarters in New York City.

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Jewelers of America

In 1906, Jewelers of America was founded by jewelers for jewelers, with a desire to advance the professionalism and ethics of the jewelry industry.

Today, we continue that mission and Jewelers of America Members stand as the most trustworthy, informed and professional jewelry businesses within the United States.